Pure Heart Church Podcast
We go there. That means we talk about what's happening: at church, in our community, in our world, and in our lives. Get a look behind-the-scenes of events, ministry areas, and key initiatives; dig into more of the weekend messages as you dive into your Heart Crew - and get to know the fun team that makes up the community of PHC! Join us as we unpack what it means to value: Personal Connection, Authentic Community, Tangible Impact and Healthy Growth.
Together, we are becoming more like Jesus for the sake of others!
Podcasting since 2024 • 43 episodes
Pure Heart Church Podcast
Latest Episodes
For When You Hit a Roadblock | Zach Goode
Join us as Pastor Matt Nystrom talks with Zach Goode about roadblocks, and how Zach's testimony has helped him come to a better understanding of how God can use any situation for good.You can also listen to the audio version of this pod...
Season 3
Episode 11

The Heart Behind Generosity | Dan Steffen
Join Pastor Dan Steffen and Pastor Matt Nystrom as they sit down to discuss the heart behind our "BIWI" (Because It's Worth It) moments in our services.You can also watch the video version of our podcast on YouTube @pureheartchurchpodca...
Season 3
Episode 10

Worship Roundtable | Brenna Pavkov & Alex McBride
Join us as Heath sits down with Brenna Pavkov and Alex McBride to discuss why and how worship is done in the church, and how that has shaped their leadership approach.You can also listen to the audio version of this podcast on most majo...
Season 3
Episode 9

How Do I Pray to God? | Jon Jennings
Join Zach and Pastor Jon as they dive deeper into the topic of prayer, answering common questions, and addressing some misconceptions that many Christians have in regards to prayer.You can also watch the video version of this ...
Season 3
Episode 8

Why Our Church Values Creativity | Matt Nystrom & Jill Blackman
Join us as we sit down with Matt Nystrom and Jill Blackman, to discuss the "How" and "Why" of our creative teams, and how our volunteers make a huge difference in everything we do.You can also watch the video version of this podcast on ...
Season 3
Episode 7